Ваш специалист по комплексной антивозрастной терапии
Меня зовут Нелли Озерова, я специалист по комплексной антивозрастной терапии, врач традиционной китайской медицины, специалист в области антропософской гомеопатии. Врач-реабилитолог, гомотоксиколог, семейный доктор.
В настоящее время веду активную работу по адаптации теории Традиционной Китайской Медицины и восстановительных методов лечения в России.
Нелли Озерова
Специалист по комплексной антивозрастной терапии
Every has its own particular qualities. Your workouts are personalised and unique, that helps to get best results most effectively.
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Every has its own particular qualities. Your workouts are personalised and unique, that helps to get best results most effectively.
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This is a special program for advanced athletes. If you are looking for more professional increase, I will create a special intensified programs for you.
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This is a special program for advanced athletes. If you are looking for more professional increase, I will create a special intensified programs for you.
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Акупунктурный лифтинг
This is a program for those who has suffered in some accidence and is under rehabilitation. I have a special methodic of full recovery regardless of the severity of injury
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Акупунктурный лифтинг
This is a program for those who has suffered in some accidence and is under rehabilitation. I have a special methodic of full recovery regardless of the severity of injury
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Как женщине XXI века можно выглядеть юной в 40 лет в условиях хронической усталости, недосыпа, тотальной деминерализации и шквала проблем? Наш организм создан, чтобы жить в гармонии, а не выдерживать постоянную боевую готовность. Проводя в возбуждении долгие месяцы, годы и десятилетия, мы расшатываем все системы организма, а потом требуем от него, чтобы он выглядел молодо. Такая позиция по меньшей мере очень эгоистична по отношению к собственному организму
— Нелли Озерова
Мое образование
Медицинский институт (2-ой) им. Н.И. Пирогова (1989 г.)
Врач антропософской гомеопатической медицины (Германия, 2003 г.)
Высший сертификат по классической гомеопатии (Лондонский факультет гомеопатии
Международный Центр Возможностей Сознания "Хуася" (провинция Хайбей (Китай)
Комплексный подход к омоложению
I explore every client's health and body particular qualities. I select fitness program according to your health.
Гибкий подход
Everybody knows that proper nutrition is a half of a benefit. I generate a special menu for every client.
Быстрый видимый эффект
As your online trainer I am always available by Watssup and phone. Call me to give a workout report or even tell me how you fill that day.
Высокая квалификация доктора
I am a certified professional trainer with 12 years in sport industry background.
Sam Lumper
Samantha is not just a trainer, she also gave me a confidence in my own strength. A year ago I had no imagination I can make my body so strong and enduring. Samantha can inspire you to make great things.
Vincent Storm
Sam has been helping me to stay fit for 5 years. First I met her after my collarbone operation. She got me back on feet and keep carry on me, help me strengthen the body.
Lisa McDave
Every day I am happy that I know such a person like Sam. My morning often starts with calling her. I can tell her all about my fit and health today and she will always give me a professional advice or compliment.
График работы
There is a timetable for a week. It is updated every week. If there are some changes I will reflect it here immediately.